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Space Availability - Hatch Learning Commons

Complete this form to select a pick up time for the materials you have placed on hold. Please give us at least two hours to pull your materials, and two hours after opening in the morning. You will be notified by the contact method you gave us when the materials are ready to be picked up.

Materials will be placed on a table on the front porch of Hatch Learning Commons in a bag with your name on it. Your due date receipt will be inside of the bag. 


When you arrive for your pickup time,  please either text "PICKED UP" to (413) 251-1448, email us at, or call us at (413)565-1376.


A 15 minute grace period will be given before your items are removed. If you can not make your appointment, please reschedule it online or by calling the library. All materials should be returned in the book drop.


Note: All materials will already be checked out to you.


How to return materials:
  • All materials must be returned to the dropbox on the porch. 
  • If there are items included in your pickup that you no longer need, please put them in the dropbox. 
  • Please do not hand any items to staff.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding